MEK and DR tokens are trending. What about ONEHOLDLP? 


Merkury is a new platform that offers customers to participate in a scalable and environmentally friendly cryptocurrency mining operation and profit money. This project boasts high energy efficiency, as well as diversification of mining devices. The team set up suitably equipped and cooled mobile containers to deploy mining in the most profitable places. It also launched the platform’s native utility token, MEK, on May 1, 2022. The token sale will end on July 31, 2023.

The price of 1 MEK is 0.1 USD during the initial coin offering. However, its value will likely increase over time. The total supply of tokens is 500 000 000 MEK, but only some percentage is available for purchase at this stage. The platform accepts ETH, BTC, USD, ETC, LTC, XMR, TRX, BCH, GBP, USDC, EUR, BNB, USDT, DASH, WAVES, XRP, and XLM in exchange for its tokens.

The founder team initially wanted to create a Hi-Tech e-commerce company. But it now aims to find its niche in the Decentralized Finance sector. Merkury.it currently offers various crypto-mining products and services. It also develops advanced technologies while disseminating cryptographic skills.

The company plans to democratize the crypto-mining space. It will allow more users to take part in a rapidly growing new industry. Merkury offers interesting features. Its main goal is to create a scalable, profitable, and environmentally friendly mining operation. The team believes that the diversification of mining devices and high energy efficiency will guarantee constant and substantial profits. Besides, crypto mining doesn’t need to negatively impact the environment if done correctly. The company is committed to using only renewable sources of energy to power its mining network.


How will this project work? 

The team will provide users with detailed analytics on the Merkury blockchain network. It will use the Merkury IT Explorer for that purpose. The company also employs advanced distributed ledger technology. It enables MEK token holders to receive their share of the mining revenue automatically. In addition, investors will be able to withdraw their funds at any time. That is a great advantage, as many platforms don’t offer the same convenience.

The company plans to divide the sales of the 500.000.000 MEKs into 15 steps, offering 21.000.000 MEK at each stage. It will also reward the investors for incentivizing them further. Unlike some other platforms, Merkury aims to offer true decentralized ownership. According to the team, each MEK token will represent a fractional stake in the profits. The renewable mining operation will generate the latter. Overall, this is a sound project with strong potential.


MEK and DR tokens are trending. What about ONEHOLDLP? 


What about DOGE RUSH? 

Doge Rush is one of the first P2E single-player mobile runner games worldwide that use NFT assets. The platforms providing games with side-scrolling runners used non-fungible tokens from the beginning. For example, Super Mario had coins, while Sonic Dash had rings. But players couldn’t use these assets in real life. Doge Rush wants to change that and offer in-game assets that people will be able to use as currency. The platform will reward players for every coin they collect, giving them the opportunity to save its native $DR tokens for in-game prizes and real-world cash.

The company launched DR’s ICO sale on December 1, 2022. The sale will end on January 31, 2023. The total supply of tokens is 2,000,000,000. However, only some percentage is available for purchase at this stage. The platform accepts ETH, BNB, and USDT in exchange for its coins.

According to the founder team, every token the user collects in-game goes to their wallet at the end of the level. Thus, gamers will have an opportunity to play a hilarious and immersive side-scrolling runner that’s worth their time. They will gain money while enjoying the game. The company believes that Doge Rush has the potential to become very popular soon.


Onehold is another successful project. What does it offer? 

Onehold is an investment and marketing business DAO. The founder team utilizes Web3 technology, aiming to incentivize investors, companies, and consumers to work together. The end goal is to create a self-marketing system. Project participants will be able to own a share of Onehold. They will also receive some percentage of its revenue by investing in LP tokens.

The company launched its native utility token, ONEHOLDLP, on December 7, 2022. The sale will end on May 1, 2023. According to the team, LP tokens will represent customers’ share of the DAOs assets. In the public offer, the community members will define Onehold’s value based on the amount of sold LP tokens.

Furthermore, the company will use the XDAO platform for its DAO. This platform is a good choice. It enables a group of people to easily create DAOs, deposit cryptocurrency assets, and manage them by voting. Customers will also be able to sell DAO shares and directly interact with various DeFi protocols.

However, users need to join the DAO to enjoy these benefits. They can do that by investing in Liquidity Provider tokens. DAOs assets back LP tokens. The latter represents customers’ share of the generated revenue.


How can users benefit from this project? 

The company noted that when Onehold marketing sells a service, it will add income to the existing DAOs assets. The team will invest these assets into DeFi protocols through the DAO. Thanks to that, it will generate additional income through interest rates.

LP holders can swap or burn their tokens. In exchange, they will receive a proportional share of the assets held in the DAO. The platform will calculate the value of each LP by dividing the DAOs assets by the total amount of LP coins. Moreover, governance token holders will be able to propose and vote on all transactions that the company wants to commit.

However, only large investors and active community members will have the opportunity to get governance tokens. Onehold is still new on the market but has already gained popularity. The ONEHOLDLP is quite high-ranking on various ICO listing platforms. Besides, the company boasts a well-developed roadmap. 

The founder team is also very experienced. Its members are dedicated to this project and believe in its success. ONEHOLDLP token’s value will likely increase in the future.  







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